My Blog

I write bits here and there. Sometimes it’s thoughts written in a journal by hand. Othertimes, it’s ideas for projects or things I want to do quickly typed up in a google or word doc, thirty seconds stolen in between other tasks. But it’s definitely less than I used to. I’ve been trying to get back into the habit of writing, and thought what better place to collect all my bits of writing than a blog on my website!

(For all my acadamic writing, please see Google Scholar)

Tarot Cards

I've been writing on paper the past couple weeks. So this one will probably be a sort of hodgepodge of random stuff collected from my journal I've been trying to read more, through my Libby app- it's fascinating how the more I've "leaned in" to my ADHD symptoms, the...

On Clinicians

I am prefacing this by saying that I am NOT A CLINICIAN. I've come into contact with quite a few though. I've had many counselors, therapists, clinical psychologists, social workers, and other clinicians for my mental health journey starting at 13. I've worked with...

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