I’m still figuring out what I even want this blog or website to to be, but this can be the start! I figured I can keep myself accountable to my resolutions by telling someone, or the world. I have high hopes for this year. I wrote down “progress” as my word for 2023 in my new passion planner, and it very much feels like it will be true. I’ve been trying to be kinder to myself and work on my depression & PTSD. Therapy is going well and I feel like I’m learning every day. About myself. About the world. Friends, connections, relationships, life. It’s a weird time period before my 30th year on earth, I’m scared of getting old but also feel like my 30s are going to be freeing, and I’m excited for that.

As part of my self care (one resolution!), I’ve been taking more time to watch shows that bring me joy. I’m usually the documentary type if I do watch tv, which isn’t super often. Even better is a documentary that is on my wide range of research interests – social justice, sociopolitical commentary, healthcare, extremism, human trafficking, basically all of the traumatizing things. I suppose that makes me a bit of a masochist? But I really have realized how important it is to incorporate healthier things. Some of my favorites that are still morbid enough to capture my attention are What We Do in the Shadows and mystery/true crime-type shows. I also recently watched Trevor Noah’s standup that has been on Netflix, and realized I am in love with this man. His craft at putting layers together into his comedy, connecting various points back to each other, providing really insightful commentary on society, race, politics, the state of the world, while still keeping it hilarious, and sprinkling in bits of his own stories from his crazy upbringing and travels. The man is a genius. I understand more of how performance is an art form after watching his standup. At one point he also pointed out how Obama’s tone and cadence when speaking was similar to Mandela’s, and they both were first black presidents of white-dominated countries. While he was imitating what he was drawing attention to, I recalled the way that Moon spoke – it was the same way. Same deep/loud/commanding tone, same cadence of speaking as if every word was the last. I wonder if this way of speaking has a hold on people, making it easier for not just humanitarians to rally masses for social reform, but also easier for narcissists to exploit the trick to amass a cult following. I think Steve Hassan might have mentioned that in his “Cult of Trump” book where he goes over his BITE model. I will need to look it up later.

But back to my resolutions. Another is to write more. In my journal, on here, on scraps of paper, my phone. I have like 10 voices and threads of thought always running through my head at all times, and writing seems to provide some amount of outlet to quiet two or three of them. This blog can be a place for me to share my thoughts (like now!), review books, describe new insights from my therapy sessions, and whatever else. I’ll welcome comments as long as they stay civil, and look forward to what this new year will bring!